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Hier — 13 mars 2025Jordan B Peterson Youtube

Public Schools and the Battle For Children | Corey DeAngelis | EP 529

13 mars 2025 à 17:00


Jordan Peterson sits down with bestselling author, commentator, and researcher, Dr. Corey DeAngelis. They shed light on where 50% of all state budgets are spent, the surprising stack of monopolies that strangleholds public education, the partisan lies surrounding school choice, and the truth every parent needs to know: school choice uplifts all students.

Dr. Corey A. DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Culture Project and a visiting fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. He has been labeled the “school choice evangelist” and called “the most effective school choice advocate since Milton Friedman.” He is a regular on Fox News and frequently appears in The Wall Street Journal. DeAngelis is also the executive director at Educational Freedom Institute, a senior fellow at Reason Foundation, an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute, a board member at Liberty Justice Center, and a senior advisor at Accuracy in Media. He holds a Ph.D. in education policy from the University of Arkansas. He is the national bestselling author of “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.”

This episode was filmed on February 28th, 2025.

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Read his most recent book “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools”

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| Chapters |

(0:00) Coming up
(1:01) Intro
(4:38) Avoiding ideological capture in the Department of Education Reform
(7:16) 50% of state budgets are spent on K-12 education — where the monopolies form
(12:20) “Academia is failing because we need more money”
(17:49) Why Democrats refuse to vote for school choice, how the pandemic revealed a broken system
(21:29) Educational psychologists tend to promote and amplify the worst ideas — the science of teaching does not need to be reinvented
(26:47) How Dr. Peterson mapped politically correct belief systems, why academia attracts low-conscientiousness radical leftists
(34:58) Competition in education increases quality across the board
(39:54) The academic elites already know the truth about competition
(42:32) Publishing four studies a year for nearly a decade
(45:59) Public influence and Trump’s endorsement
(47:20) Fund students – not systems, a major weakness of the Conservative Party
(51:18) Was the Head Start program a success or a failure? Lottery outcomes in education access
(55:13) The reasonable idea behind Head Start and where it went wrong
(57:59) Flipping the politics around school choice, the Virginia election
(1:03:26) Teacher certification needs a multi-pronged solution
(1:09:50) Where the money goes…
(1:14:38) DeAngelis' use of X to shift the political landscape
(1:18:33) What about the children with uninvolved parents?
(1:22:29) School choice uplifts everyone — not just the rich

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À partir d’avant-hierJordan B Peterson Youtube

Some Dreams Are Really Nightmares | Dr. Arthur Brooks

12 mars 2025 à 13:00


This is a clip from our recent podcast with Dr. Arthur Brooks. In it, he and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discuss the need for discernment around useful dreams and harmful nightmares.

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Play This Game To Determine What You Truly Worship | Dr. Arthur Brooks

11 mars 2025 à 13:00


This is a clip from our recent release with Dr. Arthur Brooks. In it, he walks Dr. Jordan B. Peterson through the "what's your idol" game, which uses elimination to both pinpoint your primary want - and warn of its downfall.

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Adventure as Lasting Happiness | Dr. Arthur Brooks | EP 528

10 mars 2025 à 17:00


Jordan Peterson sits down with professor, author, and columnist Dr. Arthur Brooks. They discuss the physicality of happiness, how aim sets perception, the paradox of progress, the need for proper discernment, and how sustained maturity sets you up for the adventure of your life.

Dr. Arthur Brooks began his professional life as a classic French hornist. He left college at age 19, touring and recording with the Annapolis Brass Quintet and, later, the City Orchestra of Barcelona. While still performing in his late 20s he returned to school and achieved a Ph.D. by 34. Brooks is now the Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Public and Nonprofit Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and Professor of the Management Practice at the Harvard Business School. He is also a columnist at the Atlantic and the author of 14 books, including the #1 New York Times bestseller, “Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier” (2023).

This episode was filmed on January 7th, 2025.

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Dr. Brooks’ most recent book Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier

| Chapters |

(0:00) Coming up
(0:32) Intro
(3:26) Studying happiness and behavioral psychology
(7:38) Trying to think of prayer technically: aim and action
(11:04) “People would rather shock themselves than let their default network run free”
(13:10) How “affect” determines if you should be a surgeon or a poet
(15:28) The aim sets the frame of perception, humans are made for progress — not arrival
(20:37) The paradox of progress
(22:41) Jacob’s vision, discerning proper dreams from destructive nightmares
(33:13) Discernment: the process of discovering your meaning
(36:07) What brought Brooks to a belief in the implicate order
(41:01) Conscience as an orienting function, the evolutionary move toward long-term goals
(46:59) The dominant lobster and what it means to be human
(51:49) Happiness is not gratification: why you should turn from hedonism in a hyper-stimulating world
(59:51) Enjoyment is permeant, pleasure is temporary
(1:03:06) The characteristics of those who cannot feel happiness
(1:05:20) The role of memory creation in the achievement of happiness
(1:06:50) Sustained immaturity manifests as the Dark Tetrad, the criminality falloff
(1:13:50) Meaning must be discovered: “to invent your essence is gnostic heresy”
(1:20:37) Business is another form of human expression, the enterprise of you
(1:25:01) The corruptive lie of starting a business to sell out and retire young
(1:26:01) Use the “What’s your idol?” elimination game to determine what matters most

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The Ethics of Surrogate Pregnancy and Gay Parenting | Katy Faust

9 mars 2025 à 13:01


This is a clip from our recent podcast release with Katy Faust. In it, she and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson debate the ethics of surrogacy, the importance of the biological parents for the development of the child, the three roles of the mother, and Dave Rubin.

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Losing His Son Changed Everything | Michael Shellenberger

7 mars 2025 à 13:00


This is a clip from the exclusive "Sessions" portion of the Jordan B. Peterson Podcast. In it, Jordan and Michael Shellenberger discuss the ensnarement tactics of the woke cult, how Elon lost his son to dangerous gender ideology, and how the cardinal sin of men and women is outlined in the biblical account of Adam and Eve.

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Gay Marriage, Surrogacy, Divorce & Hookup Culture | Katy Faust | EP 527

6 mars 2025 à 17:00


Jordan Peterson sits down with author, speaker, and founder and president of the children’s rights organization Them Before Us, Katy Faust. They discuss the ethics of surrogate pregnancies, the importance of both the mother and father in the home, the purpose of marriage being for the child — not the adults, and the abysmal outcomes of no-fault divorce in our culture.

Katy Faust is the founder and president of Them Before Us, a global movement defending children’s right to their mother and father. She publishes, speaks, and testifies widely on why marriage and family are matters of justice for children. Her articles have appeared in Newsweek, USA Today, The Federalist, Public Discourse, WORLD Magazine, The Daily Signal, the Washington Examiner, the American Mind, and the American Conservative. She is on the advisory board for the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship. Katy helped design the teen edition of CanaVox, which studies sex, marriage, and relationships from a natural law perspective. Katy and co-author Stacy Manning detailed their philosophy of worldview transmission in their second book, “Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City.” She and her pastor husband are raising their four children in Seattle.

This episode was filmed on February 13th, 2025.

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For Katy Faust:

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Them Before Us website

Them Before Us on X

Read Katy’s books on parenting:

Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement (2021)

Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City: Teaching Historical, Economic, and Biological Truth in a World of Lies (2023)

Pro-Child Politics: Why Every Cultural, Economic, and National Issue Is a Matter of Justice for Children (2024)

| Chapters |

(0:00) Coming up
(0:55) Intro
(5:12) Put children before adults, a child’s right to their life and parents
(9:13) How they cloak destructive child policies in the name of child protection
(11:14) “I did not get into this by choice,” truth tellers and grace givers
(17:29) Debate: gay parenting, surrogate pregnancy, and the three roles of motherhood
(25:58) Desire based maternal or paternal losses, “nobody is donating, they are buying or selling”
(30:57) Faust’s take - is surrogacy ever appropriate?
(34:21) The pre-political rights of the child are rooted in natural law, not desire
(37:33) Maternal and paternal relationships are not substitutable
(47:42) Mary as the archetypal mother, the distinct and complementary roles of mothers and fathers
(52:42) Alleviating bias in parenting studies, the cinderella effect
(59:01) Practical solutions for promoting healthy parenting
(1:06:12) Where the interests of men and women align, “a civilization saving answer”
(1:15:14) Identity in the digital age, setting a proper course for young women
(1:22:57) Hookup culture is a game that serves psychopaths, the value of “no”

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"Insect Protein" - What He Saw At the World Economic Forum | Ezra Levant

5 mars 2025 à 13:00


This is a clip from our recent podcast with Ezra Levant. In it, he and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discuss the strange undergurdings of the World Economic Forum, their annual takeover of Davos, and the truth behind the claims they are pushing "insect protein" as a source of nutrients for the unfortunate poor.

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